
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class ContributesBinding(val scope: KClass<*>, val replaces: Array<KClass<*>> = [], val boundType: BoundType<*> = BoundType<Nothing>())(source)

Contributes a binding of the annotated type to the given scope as a boundType (if specified) or single declared supertype.

// Implicit supertype is Base
class Impl : Base

Use BoundType to specify a specific bound type if an implicit one is not possible.

// Explicit supertype is Base
@ContributesBinding(AppScope::class, boundType = BoundType<Base>())
class Impl : Base, AnotherBase

This annotation is repeatable, allowing for contributions as multiple bound types. Note that all repeated annotations must use the same scope.

If this declaration is scoped, the Scope annotation will be propagated to the generated Binds declaration.

If this declaration is qualified, the Qualifier annotation will be propagated to the generated Binds declaration.


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val scope: KClass<*>