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Should Just Work™️! The runtime and code gen have been implemented to be entirely platform-agnostic so far.

There is one issue in the repo right now where the compiler appears to have a bug with generated FIR declarations where it doesn’t deserialize them correctly on non-JVM targets. Waiting for feedback from JB.

When mixing contributions between common and platform-specific source sets, you must define your final @DependencyGraph in the platform-specific code. This is because a graph defined in commonMain wouldn’t have full visibility of contributions from platform-specific types. A good pattern for this is to define your canonical graph in commonMain without a @DependencyGraph annotation and then a {Platform}{Graph} type in the platform source set that extends it and does have the @DependencyGraph. Metro automatically exposes bindings of the base graph type on the graph for any injections that need it.

// In commonMain
interface AppGraph {
  val httpClient: HttpClient

// In jvmMain
interface JvmAppGraph : AppGraph {
  @Provides fun provideHttpClient(): HttpClient = HttpClient(Netty)

// In androidMain
interface AndroidAppGraph : AppGraph {
  @Provides fun provideHttpClient(): HttpClient = HttpClient(OkHttp)