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Dependency Graphs

The primary entry points in Metro are dependency graphs. These are interfaces annotated with @DependencyGraph and created with @DependencyGraph.Factory interfaces. Graphs expose types from the object graph via accessor properties or functions.


These are synonymous with components and @Component/@Component.Factory in Dagger and kotlin-inject.


“Accessors” in Metro are synonymous with Dagger’s provision methods.

Accessors and member injections act as roots, from which the dependency graph is resolved. Dependencies can be provided via conventional @Provides functions in graphs or their supertypes, constructor-injected classes, or accessed from graph dependencies.

interface AppGraph {
  val message: String

  fun provideMessage(): String = "Hello, world!"

Note the @Provides function must define an explicit return type.

Simple graphs like this can be created via the createGraph() intrinsic.

val graph = createGraph<AppGraph>()

Graphs are relatively cheap and should be used freely.


Instance parameters and graph dependencies can be provided via a @DependencyGraph.Factory interface that returns the target graph.

interface AppGraph {
  val message: String

  fun interface Factory {
    fun create(@Provides message: String): AppGraph
interface AppGraph {
  val message: String

  fun interface Factory {
    fun create(messageGraph: MessageGraph): AppGraph

  @DependencyGraph interface MessageGraph {
    val message: String

    @Provides fun provideMessage(): String = "Hello, world!"

Like Dagger, non- @Provides instance dependencies can be any type. Metro will treat accessor candidates of these types as usable dependencies.

interface AppGraph {
  val message: String

  fun interface Factory {
    fun create(messageProvider: MessageProvider): AppGraph

  interface MessageProvider {
    val message: String

Graph factories can be created with the createGraphFactory() intrinsic.

val messageGraph =
    .create("Hello, world!")


See Scopes for more details on scopes!

Graphs may declare a scope (and optionally additionalScopes if there are more). Each of these declared scopes act as an implicit @SingleIn representation of that scope for aggregation.

For example:

interface AppGraph

Is functionally equivalent to writing the below.

interface AppGraph

Implementation Notes

Dependency graph code gen is designed to largely match how Dagger components are generated.

  • Dependencies are traversed from public accessors and inject() functions.
  • Metro generates Provider Factory classes for each provider. These should be generated at the same time that the provider is compiled so that their factory classes. This is for two primary purposes:
    • They can be reused to avoid code duplication
    • Metro can copy default values for provider values over to the generated factory to support optional bindings. Since default values may refer to private references, we must generate these factories as nested classes.
  • Metro generates a graph impl class that holds all aggregated bindings and manages scoping.
  • Scoped bindings are stored in provider fields backed by DoubleCheck.
  • Reused unscoped providers instances are stored in reusable fields.
  • @Provides factory parameters are stored in a field backed by InstanceFactory.
  • Multibindings create new collection instances every time.
  • Multibinding providers are not accessible as standalone bindings.