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Aggregation (aka ‘Anvil’)

Metro supports Anvil-style aggregation in graphs via @ContributesTo and @ContributesBinding annotations. As aggregation is a first-class citizen of Metro’s API, there is no @MergeComponent annotation like in Anvil. Instead, @DependencyGraph defines which contribution scope it supports directly.

@DependencyGraph(scope = AppScope::class)
interface AppGraph

When a graph declares a scope, all contributions to that scope are aggregated into the final graph implementation in code gen.

If a graph supports multiple scopes, use additionalScopes.

  additionalScopes = [LoggedOutScope::class]
interface AppGraph

Similar to kotlin-inject-anvil, @DependencyGraph supports excluding contributions by class. This is useful for cases like tests, where you may want to contribute a test/fake implementation that supersedes the “real” graph.

  scope = AppScope::class,
  excludes = [RealNetworkProviders::class]
interface TestAppGraph

interface TestNetworkProviders {
  @Provides fun provideHttpClient(): TestHttpClient


This annotation is used to contribute graph interfaces to the target scope to be merged in at graph-processing time to the final merged graph class as another supertype.

interface NetworkProviders {
  @Provides fun provideHttpClient(): HttpClient

This annotation is repeatable and can be used to contribute to multiple scopes.

interface NetworkProviders {
  @Provides fun provideHttpClient(): HttpClient


This annotation is used to contribute injected classes to a target scope as a given bound type.

The below example will contribute the CacheImpl class as a Cache type to AppScope.

class CacheImpl(...) : Cache

For simple cases where there is a single typertype, that type is implicitly used as the bound type. If your bound type is qualified, for the implicit case you can put the qualifier on the class.

class CacheImpl(...) : Cache

For classes with multiple supertypes or advanced cases where you want to bind an ancestor type, you can explicitly define this via boundType parameter.

  scope = AppScope::class,
  boundType = BoundType<Cache>()
class CacheImpl(...) : Cache, AnotherType

Note that the bound type is defined as the type argument to @ContributesBinding. This allows for the bound type to be generic and is validated in FIR.

Qualifier annotations can be specified on the BoundType type parameter and will take precedence over any qualifiers on the class itself.

  scope = AppScope::class,
  boundType = BoundType<@Named("cache") Cache>()
class CacheImpl(...) : Cache, AnotherType

This annotation is repeatable and can be used to contribute to multiple scopes.

  scope = AppScope::class,
  boundType = BoundType<Cache>()
  scope = AppScope::class,
  boundType = BoundType<AnotherType>()
class CacheImpl(...) : Cache, AnotherType


To contribute into a multibinding, use the @ContributesIntoSet or @ContributesIntoMap annotations as needed.

class CacheImpl(...) : Cache

Same rules around qualifiers and boundType() apply in this scenario

To contribute into a Map multibinding, the map key annotation must be specified on the class or BoundType type argument.

// Will be contributed into a Map multibinding with @StringKey("Networking")
class CacheImpl(...) : Cache

// Or if using BoundType
  scope = AppScope::class,
  boundType = BoundType<@StringKey("Networking") Cache>()
class CacheImpl(...) : Cache

This annotation is also repeatable and can be used to contribute to multiple scopes, multiple bound types, and multiple map keys.


Not yet implemented. Please share design feedback in #165!

Implementation notes

This leans on Kotlin’s ability to put generic type parameters on annotations. That in turn allows for both generic bound types and to contribute map bindings to multiple map keys.

Because it’s a first-party feature, there’s no need for intermediary “merged” components like kotlin-inject-anvil and anvil-ksp do.

Generated contributing interfaces are generated to the metro.hints package and located during graph supertype generation in FIR downstream. Any contributed bindings are implemented as @Binds (± IntoSet/IntoMap/etc) annotated properties.