Contributing to this repo

This project is first and foremost a simple benchmarking test project that I mostly use for periodic comparisons of Moshi, Gson, and kotlinx-serialization. In the past it’s compared other serializers, but making this an exhaustive benchmarking suite of different tools is a non-goal. That said, I’m not against PRs adding new tools as long as they fit the existing suite.


  • If your PR modifies or adds a benchmark, please update the benchmark results. Be sure to include your machine’s tech specs.
  • If adding a new benchmark, explain what value it’s adding and why it’s relevant.
  • If modifying a benchmark, explain what issue it’s resolving or benefit it’s adding.
  • If removing a benchmark, please open an issue first to discuss.
  • Dependency updates are welcome!


  • Add a new serialization tool without discussing in an issue first. If you want to demo one without wanting to have it merged, that’s welcome and just mark it as a draft PR and then close it after.